API’s are built on POST and GET method with REST standard that allows you to manage the app.

API Endpoint


Note: Few elements in endpoint may change for service to service.


Each API request will have to contain request headers that include your access token to authenticate the request.

Don’t have an access token? You will find your access token in the API in menu bar. Click here

When your application can’t send an Authorization header, you can use the GET parameter access_token to provide your access key.

We do provide incoming request whitelisting on our platform for our REST API. You can whitelist the IP addressess while generating the access token.

CURL Example

$ curl {endpoint}conversions \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 38e896f55670311982434e929559xxxx'\
-H "Accept: application/json"

GET Example

$ curl {endpoint}conversions?access_token=38e896f55670311982434e92955xxxx

If possible, please use the Authorization header.


We uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate success or failure of an API request. Codes in the 2xx range indicate that a request was successfuly processed and codes in the 4xx range indicate that there was an error that resulted from the information sent (e.g. authentication, no balance or a missing or wrong parameter).

In case of an error, the body of the response includes a JSON formatted response that tells you exactly what is wrong.


Name Value
status This represents the error type. OK or 200 is success and rest everthing is failed.
code This represents the http code. This value is optional. Not be avaliable in all responses.
message A human-readable description of the error. You can provide your users with this information to indicate what they can do about the error.


code Descriptions
200 OK - Everything went as planned.
202 Accepted - Request accepted.
400 Bad Request - Something in your header or request body was malformed.
401 Unauthorised - Necessary credentials were either missing or invalid.
403 Your credentials are valid, but you don’t have access to the requested resource.
404 The resources cannot be found
409 Conflict - You might be trying to update the same resource concurrently.
422 Validation error
429 Too Many Requests - You are calling our APIs more frequently than we allow.
5xx Something went wrong on our end. Please try again